9 things people with chronic illness don't have time for

9 things people with chronic illness don’t have time for

One of the most aggravating part of living with a chronic illness is navigating other people’s expectations and opinions. It’s incredibly draining and can actually make chronic illness worse. I came out with a blog post called shit I don’t have time for a few years ago, but I felt like it was time for…Continue reading 9 things people with chronic illness don’t have time for

the only disability in life is a bad attitude (and other nonsense)

The only disability in life is a bad attitude (and other nonsense)

I’ve been wanting to write a post on this topic for a long time but didn’t know how exactly to go about it in the right way. A lot of my able-bodied friends are obsessed with their weight and their fitness. I don’t think that their obsessing is super healthy, but it’s not my body…Continue reading The only disability in life is a bad attitude (and other nonsense)