how to be brave in the face of chronic illness

How to be brave in the face of chronic illness

Let’s talk about bravery. The word conjures of an image of heroes, fictional or real.  Currently we’re having conversations about the bravery of the nurses and doctors that are saving lives during this pandemic. These conversations are important right now and I don’t want to take away from them , but today I want to…Continue reading How to be brave in the face of chronic illness

how to find the right doctor to treat your chronic illness

How to find the right doctor to treat your chronic illness

Finding a doctor willing to treat a chronic illness can be a long and difficult process. Finding a doctor who will believe you and take you seriously is easier said than done, and it’s even harder to find a doctor willing to treat an illness with no cure. In my personal experience, it took me…Continue reading How to find the right doctor to treat your chronic illness

when doctors don't want to listen to their patients

When doctors don’t want to listen to their patients

It’s no secret that I dislike doctors and don’t trust them because they don’t listen to their patients. I have a whole category on my blog entitled “doctors suck” after all. A lot of people wonder how I can dislike doctors when they are thoughtful, educated, and selfless human beings who are just trying to…Continue reading When doctors don’t want to listen to their patients