what it's really like to be a parent with chronic illness

What it’s really like to be a parent with chronic illness

Parenting with chronic illness is hard, and it’s not something we talk about very often. No one teaches us how to let go guilt, maintain boundaries, or how to interact with our kids while preserving our health. So here’s a few things I’ve learned along the way. 1. Let go of the guilt We all…Continue reading What it’s really like to be a parent with chronic illness

5 reasons parenting with chronic illness is a good thing

5 reasons parenting with chronic illness is a good thing

Parenting with chronic illness is hard, but overall it can still be a good thing. I originally started this blog because I felt that none of the advice about having a chronic illness applied to parents. (I mean pacing is a great idea, but good luck with that when you have children). People who know…Continue reading 5 reasons parenting with chronic illness is a good thing

the ultimate gift guide for mothers with fibromyalgia

The ultimate gift guide for mothers with Fibromyalgia

Mother’s Day means it’s time for gift ideas for mothers with Fibromyalgia. May is such a crazy month that it seems like Mother’s day always gets put on the back burner. Normally I get annoyed because my kids and my husband cook breakfast for me, and then leave the dishes for me to clean up…Continue reading The ultimate gift guide for mothers with Fibromyalgia

managing the holidays as a parent with chronic illness

Managing the holidays as a parent with chronic illness

The holidays can be a rough time period for everyone. There’s so much to do it’s easy to feel stressed, hurried, and overwhelmed. It’s even harder if you have a chronic illness and you have to deal with the limitations of your body. Often we can barely make it through the typical day so the…Continue reading Managing the holidays as a parent with chronic illness

When you're a parent with fibromyalgia you deal with a lot of guilt and exhaustion.

The struggle of parenting with Fibromyalgia

Parenting with Fibromyalgia will always be a struggle. I’m sitting outside my daughter’s dance class waiting for class to be over. I try not to shift too many times in the hard plastic chair, but my body is hurting. There’s chaos all around me as siblings run around parents who are busy making last minute…Continue reading The struggle of parenting with Fibromyalgia