Rosemary Kennedy was Rose and Joe Kennedy's oldest daughter. Because of oxygen deprivation when she was born she lived with disability. Her parents, not wanting anyone to find out the Kennedy's had "bad blood" allowed a lobotomy to be performed. This lead Rosemary to be profoundly disabled.

Disabled Women in History: Rosemary Kennedy and the Lobotomy

Today’s story features a Kennedy you may not be familiar with. Rosemary Kennedy was disabled and was President (JFK) Kennedy’s younger sister. This is a hard story to get through. I was reading and taking notes in bed next to my spouse and I kept scoffing, yelling at the book, and writing notes like “THIS…Continue reading Disabled Women in History: Rosemary Kennedy and the Lobotomy

Wilma Mankiller was the first female Chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma

Badass Disabled Women in History: Wilma Mankiller

Today, I have an extraordinary story of Wilma Mankiller, a badass disabled woman. She participated in the occupation of Alcatraz, was the Time woman of the year, was the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, won the medal of freedom in 1998, and lived with polycystic kidney disease.  The first thing you notice…Continue reading Badass Disabled Women in History: Wilma Mankiller

Disabled women in history: Elizabeth Jefferson

Today I have a story with a tragic mystery death, an epic earthquake, slavery, a possible disabled woman, and a founding father. Her badass status is fairly unknown, but I had to include it because it blew my mind I never knew that this woman existed. Her name is Elizabeth Jefferson, and she is Thomas…Continue reading Disabled women in history: Elizabeth Jefferson

Brilliant disabled women in history: Mildred Davidson Smith

Badass disabled women in history: Mary and Mildred Davidson

Today I have a story for you that includes two sisters, a sanitary belt, a board game, opera, and multiple sclerosis. It’s time to talk about badass disabled women in history, Mary and Mildred Davidson. Mary (Davidson) Kenner and Mildred (Davidson) Smith Mary and Mildred Davidson seem like kids who never whined about being bored.…Continue reading Badass disabled women in history: Mary and Mildred Davidson

Disabled women have often been left out of the history. Even when they've been "successful" their disability is rarely mentioned and they often get overlooked in the history books.

Why it’s so hard to find badass disabled women from history

Attempting to find disabled women from history I’ve been trying to learn about disabled women from history lately. History podcasts have been a huge part of my life the last few years. They’ve helped me through the bad pain days, and the days where I was too tired of brain fogged to read. I’m found so…Continue reading Why it’s so hard to find badass disabled women from history