A myth, not chronic pain, is at the roots of the opioid crisis

Chronic pain and the opioid crisis: How a myth defines treatment for pain patients

Chronic pain and the opioid crisis. They’re always linked in the minds of the media and the government.  In the past, I’ve written quite a few angry posts about the way chronic pain patients are being treated. It was really more of a vent session for me because I had to give up my pain…Continue reading Chronic pain and the opioid crisis: How a myth defines treatment for pain patients

being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying. It’s been a while since I last blogged. At some point I figured that I had run out of things to say and considered giving up blogging forever. Yet for some reason I paid my hosting fees for another year, just to give myself the option of…Continue reading Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

improving pain and sleep with physician therapeutics

Improving pain and sleep with Physician Therapeutics

When you have a chronic illness or live with chronic pain there are a million products out there that target your illness. It’s hard to figure out which ones will work and which ones will be a waste of money. Which is why I tried out some products for you. I tried medical food from…Continue reading Improving pain and sleep with Physician Therapeutics

8 reasons why people with chronic pain feel misunderstood

Living with chronic pain isn’t easy and it doesn’t help that many pain suffers feel completely misunderstood.  Here are some of the things that people in pain regularly hear, and why they are incorrect. 1. I know what you deal with now because I’ve had (insert minor ailment here) this week. Having the flu or…Continue reading 8 reasons why people with chronic pain feel misunderstood

what is chronic pain and why is the definition changing

What is chronic pain and why is the definition changing?

I am in pain every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. I haven’t had a pain free moment in 9 years. The current prevailing literature says that’s because I’m just being emotional about my illness, or that I’m not meditating enough, or that I just want to be in pain. But despite what…Continue reading What is chronic pain and why is the definition changing?

Absolutely no one with chronic pain medicates to zero pain

No one with chronic pain medicates to zero pain, despite what doctors and internet trolls believe. Despite this being a myth, the common view is that the opioid epidemic was caused by pain patients demanding that they never be in pain ever, and so they medicated themselves into painless zombies. This is absolutely ridiculous, and…Continue reading Absolutely no one with chronic pain medicates to zero pain

The truth about chronic pain, depression,and suicide

The truth about chronic pain, depression, and suicide

A conversation on my Facebook page about the side effects of living with long term chronic pain reminded me that I needed to address this topic. I’ve avoided it because I don’t like getting too personal or emotional on my blog, and talking about depression and suicide gets really emotional. However, the more discussion I…Continue reading The truth about chronic pain, depression, and suicide

The shocking truth about life with untreated chronic pain

The shocking truth about life with untreated chronic pain

Pain takes over everything and untreated chronic pain can derail your whole life. Without treatment, pain takes over your body, and then it takes over your mind. It makes it so you can’t process information. It makes it so you can’t think. It makes it so you can’t remember because all you can remember is…Continue reading The shocking truth about life with untreated chronic pain

why insignificant tasks are monumental with chronic pain

Why insignificant tasks are monumental when you deal with chronic pain

A few weeks ago I was re-reading an old post of mine about loneliness with chronic illness when I read this line and it reminded me of how everything is consequential when you deal with chronic pain: And you, your life depends on how bad the weather is that day, or how long it takes…Continue reading Why insignificant tasks are monumental when you deal with chronic pain

The emotional and psychological impacts of living with constant pain

The emotional and psychological impacts of living in constant pain

The emotional and psychological impact of constant pain makes me feel dead inside.  No really. I’m sitting here trying to get in touch with my feelings so that I can write a blog post, and I can’t do it because I’ve cut off all my feelings. I’m not supposed to feel sad or frustrated, and…Continue reading The emotional and psychological impacts of living in constant pain