what it's really like to be a parent with chronic illness

What it’s really like to be a parent with chronic illness

Parenting with chronic illness is hard, and it’s not something we talk about very often. No one teaches us how to let go guilt, maintain boundaries, or how to interact with our kids while preserving our health. So here’s a few things I’ve learned along the way. 1. Let go of the guilt We all…Continue reading What it’s really like to be a parent with chronic illness

6 tips for making your room comfortable when you’re stuck in bed

There’s nothing worse than being sick and stuck in bed. You’d much rather be out and about doing things and living your life, but your chronic illness has other ideas. It can be hard not to get depressed, and while there are no easy answers, here are a few tips to help you out next…Continue reading 6 tips for making your room comfortable when you’re stuck in bed