The end of wandering in the darkness, alone (How we can work to create a better world)

In my dreams there is a different world. It’s a beautiful world full of a exquisite colors and patterns. It is filled with delight and wonder. In this world curiosity and deep thought are encouraged and not derided or mocked. In this world people try to understand and empathize with each other. In this world…Continue reading The end of wandering in the darkness, alone (How we can work to create a better world)

how to be brave in the face of chronic illness

How to be brave in the face of chronic illness

Let’s talk about bravery. The word conjures of an image of heroes, fictional or real.  Currently we’re having conversations about the bravery of the nurses and doctors that are saving lives during this pandemic. These conversations are important right now and I don’t want to take away from them , but today I want to…Continue reading How to be brave in the face of chronic illness

Surviving Covid-19 when you have a chronic illness

Surviving Covid-19 when you have a chronic illness

The most prolonged, stressful experience I’ve ever had in my life was living through Hurricane Harvey. Because the waters kept rising at night, I didn’t sleep for 5 days straight. I’d be up all night watching to torrential rain come down, and watching the water line come up. I put up everything of value on…Continue reading Surviving Covid-19 when you have a chronic illness

being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying. It’s been a while since I last blogged. At some point I figured that I had run out of things to say and considered giving up blogging forever. Yet for some reason I paid my hosting fees for another year, just to give myself the option of…Continue reading Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

how to make mornings with chronic illness easier

How to make your morning with chronic pain easier

One of the most difficult parts is the morning when I have to get up and get ready despite my chronic pain. I often tell my husband I have enough energy to go somewhere, but I don’t have enough energy to get myself ready to go. It’s just too hard to shower, get dressed, do…Continue reading How to make your morning with chronic pain easier

finding strength when you live with chronic pain

Finding strength when you live with chronic pain

I had a moment of peace the other day. It came at an odd time, certainly not when I would have expected it. I was riding my bike on the way home from picking my son up at school. I do this everyday because there are no sidewalks for him to ride on,and it’s not…Continue reading Finding strength when you live with chronic pain

you know you have a chronic illness when

You know you have a chronic illness when

Having a chronic illness isn’t easy. It comes with forgetfulness, fatigue, pain, social consequences, crazy amounts of doctor appointments, depression and anxiety,  and big life changes. Not everyone experiences all of these things, but there are certain hallmarks that everyone with a chronic illness experiences even though they may have a variety of illnesses. So…Continue reading You know you have a chronic illness when

Are you afraid of complaining about your illness? Are there times you hold back because you are worried about what the other person will think?

Are you afraid of complaining about chronic illness?

Are you afraid of complaining about your chronic illness? Are there times you hold back because you are worried about what the other person will think? I don’t talk about my health problems very often, not even to my spouse. In fact he complains about his health more than I do and he’s perfectly healthy.…Continue reading Are you afraid of complaining about chronic illness?

top chronic illness posts of 2018

10 most popular chronic illness posts of 2018

2018 has been a long hard year for me, so it’s fun to go back and see the top chronic illness posts for the year. Every year around this time I reevaluate whether I want to keep blogging or not. I’ve been doing it since 2011 and I keep wondering when it will be time…Continue reading 10 most popular chronic illness posts of 2018

6 tips for coping with chronic illness in the winter

6 tips for coping with chronic illness in the winter

Last week I shared some tools that can help people with chronic illness keep warm with the long cold winter. I received so much great feedback about dealing with winter and chronic illness that this week I have some general tips on what you can do to cope. When winter hits it can cause both…Continue reading 6 tips for coping with chronic illness in the winter