how to be brave in the face of chronic illness

How to be brave in the face of chronic illness

Let’s talk about bravery. The word conjures of an image of heroes, fictional or real.  Currently we’re having conversations about the bravery of the nurses and doctors that are saving lives during this pandemic. These conversations are important right now and I don’t want to take away from them , but today I want to…Continue reading How to be brave in the face of chronic illness

Surviving Covid-19 when you have a chronic illness

Surviving Covid-19 when you have a chronic illness

The most prolonged, stressful experience I’ve ever had in my life was living through Hurricane Harvey. Because the waters kept rising at night, I didn’t sleep for 5 days straight. I’d be up all night watching to torrential rain come down, and watching the water line come up. I put up everything of value on…Continue reading Surviving Covid-19 when you have a chronic illness

being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying. It’s been a while since I last blogged. At some point I figured that I had run out of things to say and considered giving up blogging forever. Yet for some reason I paid my hosting fees for another year, just to give myself the option of…Continue reading Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying