Wilma Mankiller was the first female Chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma

Badass Disabled Women in History: Wilma Mankiller

Today, I have an extraordinary story of Wilma Mankiller, a badass disabled woman. She participated in the occupation of Alcatraz, was the Time woman of the year, was the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, won the medal of freedom in 1998, and lived with polycystic kidney disease.  The first thing you notice…Continue reading Badass Disabled Women in History: Wilma Mankiller

Disabled women in history: Elizabeth Jefferson

Today I have a story with a tragic mystery death, an epic earthquake, slavery, a possible disabled woman, and a founding father. Her badass status is fairly unknown, but I had to include it because it blew my mind I never knew that this woman existed. Her name is Elizabeth Jefferson, and she is Thomas…Continue reading Disabled women in history: Elizabeth Jefferson

Brilliant disabled women in history: Mildred Davidson Smith

Badass disabled women in history: Mary and Mildred Davidson

Today I have a story for you that includes two sisters, a sanitary belt, a board game, opera, and multiple sclerosis. It’s time to talk about badass disabled women in history, Mary and Mildred Davidson. Mary (Davidson) Kenner and Mildred (Davidson) Smith Mary and Mildred Davidson seem like kids who never whined about being bored.…Continue reading Badass disabled women in history: Mary and Mildred Davidson

Disabled women have often been left out of the history. Even when they've been "successful" their disability is rarely mentioned and they often get overlooked in the history books.

Why it’s so hard to find badass disabled women from history

Attempting to find disabled women from history I’ve been trying to learn about disabled women from history lately. History podcasts have been a huge part of my life the last few years. They’ve helped me through the bad pain days, and the days where I was too tired of brain fogged to read. I’m found so…Continue reading Why it’s so hard to find badass disabled women from history

The devastating impact of Covid 19 on disabled people

Covid and disabled people feel like a topic that has been touched on many times. Somehow though, it feels like the news articles miss the mark. So today I want to talk being disabled in a pandemic. In February 2020, I didn’t know I was disabled. Hard to believe, right? I knew I was in…Continue reading The devastating impact of Covid 19 on disabled people

How to complete household tasks with chronic illness

I’ve officially lived with chronic illness, chronic pain, and disability for 10 years. In that time I have gone from having an infant and a toddler to having a teen and a tween. When it comes to household tasks with chronic illness and chronic pain, I have seen it all. Most if not all of…Continue reading How to complete household tasks with chronic illness

How to find the best Christmas gifts for someone with chronic pain

Christmas time is finally here, and I couldn’t be more excited for some joy and fun in the very stressful year of 2020. Every year I come out with a holiday/Christmas list that have 15 items and breaks things up by budget amount. This year I thought I’d just share a few of my favorite…Continue reading How to find the best Christmas gifts for someone with chronic pain

What is brain fog? Everything you need to know and more

What is brain fog? Everything you need to know and more

Brain fog and fibro fog. It’s arguably the most frustrating symptom of Fibromyalgia, chronic illness, and chronic pain. It’s bad enough to lose control over your body, but it’s maddening to lose control over your mind. What is fibro fog or brain fog? When you have fibro fog or brain fog, you feel like information…Continue reading What is brain fog? Everything you need to know and more

how to live hopefully when you have a chronic illness

How to live hopefully when you have a chronic illness

I’m desperately hiding outside on this gorgeous fall day to avoid my precocious 10 year old who hasn’t stopped talking for 45 minutes. By haven’t stopped talking, I mean he has barely taken a single breath, and certainly hasn’t allowed me to get in a word besides “oh wow” and “that’s cool.” This is my…Continue reading How to live hopefully when you have a chronic illness

Pain awareness and being called to be brave

Sheryl over at A Chronic Voice hosts a monthly get together for people with chronic illnesses to write about certain topics. This month we’re talking about: Feeling, Grueling, Tempting, Running, and Mending. September is also pain awareness month and so I’ll be filtering my posts through the lens of chronic pain all month. Feeling I…Continue reading Pain awareness and being called to be brave