How the Ugly Laws were designed to keep disabled people out of sight

Today first takes us to the lovely Portland Oregon where we’re learning about “The Ugly Laws” that were created to stop disabled people from being seen in public and “obstructing the roadways.” For people with visible disabilities, this history will not sound surprising, considering how entitled the public feels to comment on the way disability…Continue reading How the Ugly Laws were designed to keep disabled people out of sight

Brilliant disabled women in history: Mildred Davidson Smith

Badass disabled women in history: Mary and Mildred Davidson

Today I have a story for you that includes two sisters, a sanitary belt, a board game, opera, and multiple sclerosis. It’s time to talk about badass disabled women in history, Mary and Mildred Davidson. Mary (Davidson) Kenner and Mildred (Davidson) Smith Mary and Mildred Davidson seem like kids who never whined about being bored.…Continue reading Badass disabled women in history: Mary and Mildred Davidson