how to make decisions about easing up Covid-19 lockdown

How to make decisions about easing up Covid-19 lockdown

Covid-19 lockdown means that at this particular moment I’m watching (and listening to the narration) of  my son building a train track. Normally he would never demean himself far enough to play with a toy, but quarantine is no joke and he is bored out of his mind. School is almost out and online learning…Continue reading How to make decisions about easing up Covid-19 lockdown

being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying

Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying. It’s been a while since I last blogged. At some point I figured that I had run out of things to say and considered giving up blogging forever. Yet for some reason I paid my hosting fees for another year, just to give myself the option of…Continue reading Being immuno-compromised in a Covid-19 world is terrifying