to the person with chronic illness who feels invisible

To the person with chronic illness who feels invisible

I know it feels like no one thinks about you and that you’re invisible because of your chronic illness. I know it feels like no one cares or even notices when your illness forces you to disappear for a while. I know you carry a heavy burden that no one else sees. You carry the…Continue reading To the person with chronic illness who feels invisible

Managing fibromyalgia in heat and humidity is feels impossible. Heat and humidity can cause pain, swelling, and extra exhaustion, so here's a few of my favorite tips.

Managing Fibromyalgia in Heat and Humidity

There’s nothing worse than dealing with Fibromyalgia in heat and humidity. In a few weeks, I’m going camping… In July… In Louisiana… Just writing that makes me start to sweat. Clearly, I have a screw loose for agreeing to do such a thing, especially after complaining about how much I hate summer. However, I am…Continue reading Managing Fibromyalgia in Heat and Humidity

5 ways chronic illness makes you awesome

No one who knows me in real life would ever call me an optimist. I consider myself a realist which means if something is positive, yay! However, I’m not going to pretend something is awesome when it’s not. This is why I tend to shy away from “my illness is totally empowering” “my life is…Continue reading 5 ways chronic illness makes you awesome

I’m not faking being sick, I’m faking being well

As someone with a disability, I’m not faking sick, I’m faking being well. I was reminded of this the other day when I received the strangest compliment.  I was told that I am a professional organizer when it comes to my illness. It was pointed out to me that I put a lot of mental effort…Continue reading I’m not faking being sick, I’m faking being well

7 reasons summer is the worst

It’s that time again. Time for sun, sweat, and bugs. Time to run the AC nonstop while you close the blinds and pretend you live in a cave. Time for swollen hands and legs and increased pain levels. Ah, there’s nothing like the magic of summer. If you’re lucky enough to live in a climate…Continue reading 7 reasons summer is the worst

5 fascinating kitchen tips for cooking with fibromyalgia

When you have Fibromyalgia or any other chronic illness it’s really important to eat healthily, but cooking from scratch often seems like a daunting task. Some days it’s too tiring to stand, some days your hands are too stiff to cooperate, some days your pain levels are too high, and some days you are just…Continue reading 5 fascinating kitchen tips for cooking with fibromyalgia

7 surprising ways to exercise with chronic pain

7 surprising ways to exercise with chronic pain

When you live with chronic pain or Fibromyalgia all you hear is exercise exercise exercise. Because when just getting out of bed is accomplishment, of course you should go running because it will surely be good for you. This advice just won’t go away, so I’ve come up with a few things that I do…Continue reading 7 surprising ways to exercise with chronic pain

6 every day things that are a big deal when you live with chronic pain

6 things that are a big deal when you have chronic pain

In last week’s post I threw in a line that I didn’t think too much of at the time. And you, your life depends on how bad the weather is that day, or how long it takes you to recover from standing in line at the DMV, or whether or not the doctor screwed up your…Continue reading 6 things that are a big deal when you have chronic pain

5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain

5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for details.  I have two kids and a messy husband so cleaning with chronic pain is a daily battle. Ideally, I would have a perfectly clean and organized home because messes stress me out, but the people I live with have different ideas and…Continue reading 5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain

5 things not to say to someone with chronic illness

5 things not to say to people with chronic illness

When you have a chronic illness you tend to get the same reactions from people over and over again. As much as you try to remember that most people have good intentions being regularly put into a position where you have to defend your illness is exasperating. Here are some suggestions for what not to say…Continue reading 5 things not to say to people with chronic illness