why people with chronic pain take opioids

Why people with chronic pain take opioids

I wake up in the morning and immediately feel the crushing pain that has a hold over my entire body. The pain radiates from my shoulders to my toes, but I have to get out of bed so I can get my kids to school. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but…Continue reading Why people with chronic pain take opioids

how the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain

How the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain

The opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC AMERICA’S ADDICTION TO OPIOIDS HOW BAD IS AMERICA’S OPIOID EPIDEMIC? HOW TO STOP OPIOID ADDICTION THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC IS RIGHT HERE     These are just some of the scare headlines that flash across the news every single day in the US. The media…Continue reading How the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain

Taking opioids for chronic pain means being treated like a criminal and constantly being told that you're exaggerating your pain.

What it’s really like taking opioids for chronic pain

Currently, taking opioids for chronic pain means you’re a pariah, which is why there aren’t enough stories to be more stories out there about what it is actually like to have an opioid prescription for chronic pain. Why I take opioids for chronic pain You can read my story here for some background context of my…Continue reading What it’s really like taking opioids for chronic pain

7 harmful myths about chronic pain

7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

Myth #1– Taking pain medication makes you an addict Fact:  There is a difference between physical dependence and addiction. Addiction involves compulsive cravings, inability to control use, and use despite potential harm and self destructive behavior. Physical dependence occurs when the body becomes used to the presence of a drug. Many substances – such as nicotine, sugar, and anti-depressants can cause…Continue reading 7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

5 microaggressions seen at the doctors office by people in pain

5 Microaggressions seen at the doctor’s office by people in pain

One of my biggest challenges is going to the doctors office. It sounds like I’m exaggerating, but it’s actually difficult to exaggerate how hard it is to go to the doctor when you have a chronic illness or chronic pain. For many people going to the doctors office is unpleasant. No one wants to wait…Continue reading 5 Microaggressions seen at the doctor’s office by people in pain

You don't get a prize for refusing pain medication if you need it

You don’t get a prize for refusing pain medication when you need it

Many people need pain medication to survive, and yet the opioid crisis demonizes the medication that allowed them to function. Pain medication is demonized by opioid hysteria “Pain medication is the horrible stuff that only addicts use. If you depend on pain medication to function you are an addict. If you can’t control your pain…Continue reading You don’t get a prize for refusing pain medication when you need it