How to live with TMJ disorder as a side effect of Fibromyalgia

I’d never heard of TMJ until I had Fibromyalgia and started seeing the two words paired together. It’s not surprising as Fibromyalgia is one of those illnesses doctors rarely explain correctly because they’re too busy to pay attention. One of those random symptoms is TMJ or temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD). What is the TMJ (temporomandibular…Continue reading How to live with TMJ disorder as a side effect of Fibromyalgia

Heat intolerance and temperature sensitivity can be annoying and disruptive symptoms of Fibromyalgia that no one takes seriously. Yet, they can have a significant impact on your life, so why do they happen?

How heat intolerance can be an annoying and overlooked symptom of Fibromyalgia

Heat intolerance and temperature sensitivity are often overlooked side effects of Fibromyalgia. They don’t kill you except in the most extreme situations, so doctors don’t typically address them. Or if they do address them, they simply advise you to stay inside and avoid the sun. Unfortunately, it’s never that simple. Heat intolerance itself has its…Continue reading How heat intolerance can be an annoying and overlooked symptom of Fibromyalgia

Why showering with Fibromyalgia is the worst thing ever

A few months ago I shared on twitter and Instagram that I finally purchased a shower chair, because showering with Fibromyalgia is rough. This was something I put off for years because I didn’t consider myself disabled enough and I am stubborn. Now that I have the chair I feel foolish for waiting so long,…Continue reading Why showering with Fibromyalgia is the worst thing ever

What is brain fog? Everything you need to know and more

What is brain fog? Everything you need to know and more

Brain fog and fibro fog. It’s arguably the most frustrating symptom of Fibromyalgia, chronic illness, and chronic pain. It’s bad enough to lose control over your body, but it’s maddening to lose control over your mind. What is fibro fog or brain fog? When you have fibro fog or brain fog, you feel like information…Continue reading What is brain fog? Everything you need to know and more