May is Fibromyalgia awareness month and 14 bloggers have come together to share their top tips for living with fibromyalgia

15 Top recommendations for living with fibromyalgia by those who know

Living with Fibromyalgia is a delicate dance, which is why May’s Fibromyalgia Awareness Month is so important. The bloggers at the Fibro Blogger Directory got together to provide the ultimate post for Fibromyalgia recommendations. Each blogger has a link with the rest of the blog post, so definitely head over to other blogs to read…Continue reading 15 Top recommendations for living with fibromyalgia by those who know

It's always hard to know how to help or support someone with chronic pain. You might feel clueless and helpless and you want to do something about it. Here's 6 tangible suggestions to help someone with chronic pain.

6 tangible ways to help someone with chronic pain

I’ve written before about supporting someone with chronic illness by believing them and validating what they’re going through. Today though, we’re talking about tangible ways that can help someone with chronic pain and make a difference in someone’s day. My love language is food. I love to bake bread and share it with people, because…Continue reading 6 tangible ways to help someone with chronic pain

Pain awareness and being called to be brave

Sheryl over at A Chronic Voice hosts a monthly get together for people with chronic illnesses to write about certain topics. This month we’re talking about: Feeling, Grueling, Tempting, Running, and Mending. September is also pain awareness month and so I’ll be filtering my posts through the lens of chronic pain all month. Feeling I…Continue reading Pain awareness and being called to be brave

7 tips for reducing stress when you live with chronic pain

Living with chronic pain causes stress, thanks to theĀ “just get over it,” attitude put forth by doctors and politicians. Of course, it’s never that easy. Living with chronic pain has long term side effects that we often don’t discuss. One thing that most people don’t realize about living with chronic pain is how stressful it…Continue reading 7 tips for reducing stress when you live with chronic pain

how to survive a chronic illness flare up

How to survive a chronic illness flare up

Living with the unpredictability of chronic illness is incredibly stressful and the possibility of a chronic illness flare adds to that stress. You never know how you’re going to feel on a certain day. You have a tiny bit of control of your health through pacing, sleeping right, and eating right, but for the most…Continue reading How to survive a chronic illness flare up