Sometimes it's the little things about living with chronic illness that annoy you. There's nothing like yet another person trying to sell you a magic cure, or tell you that you're not trying hard enough.

How the absurd little things annoy you when you have a chronic illness

Life with chronic illness can be stressful, weighty, and overwhelming, but sometimes it’s the absurd little things that annoy you. Life has been a stressful mess the last year and a half, so I figured it was time for some chronic illness humor. Here are a few things that annoy me the most, with sarcastic commentary…Continue reading How the absurd little things annoy you when you have a chronic illness

Wellness culture preys on women with chronic illness who have been rejected by the sexist medical system. Wellness culture convinces women that they can cure their diseases if they just try hard enough, and that is toxic.

How wellness culture is toxic for people with chronic illness

Wellness culture is toxic for people with chronic illness and chronic pain, and many chronic illness blogs and influencers get sucked into the culture and spread it with the best of intentions. They arrive so excited to talk about their illness, but slowly over time, they realize that chronic illness is a very niche topic…Continue reading How wellness culture is toxic for people with chronic illness