6 tips for coping with chronic illness in the winter

6 tips for coping with chronic illness in the winter

Last week I shared some tools that can help people with chronic illness keep warm with the long cold winter. I received so much great feedback about dealing with winter and chronic illness that this week I have some general tips on what you can do to cope. When winter hits it can cause both…Continue reading 6 tips for coping with chronic illness in the winter

9 things to help with winter and chronic illness

9 things to help you cope with winter and chronic illness

This post includes affiliate links, please see my disclosure policy for more details. One of my most popular posts ever is about managing fibromyalgia with heat and humidity. I felt eminently qualified to write that post because I basically live on the sun (if the sun had 99% humidity). I’ve never before written a post…Continue reading 9 things to help you cope with winter and chronic illness