why people with chronic pain take opioids

Why people with chronic pain take opioids

I wake up in the morning and immediately feel the crushing pain that has a hold over my entire body. The pain radiates from my shoulders to my toes, but I have to get out of bed so I can get my kids to school. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but…Continue reading Why people with chronic pain take opioids

6 things to look for in a Fibromyalgia doctor

Things to look for in a Fibromyalgia doctor Finding a doctor willing to consider a fibromyalgia diagnosis can be a long and difficult process. On average it takes about five years to get diagnosed partly because some doctors don’t believe in fibromyalgia and others aren’t willing to treat a condition with no cure. Being dismissed by…Continue reading 6 things to look for in a Fibromyalgia doctor

when doctors don't want to listen to their patients

When doctors don’t want to listen to their patients

It’s no secret that I dislike doctors and don’t trust them because they don’t listen to their patients. I have a whole category on my blog entitled “doctors suck” after all. A lot of people wonder how I can dislike doctors when they are thoughtful, educated, and selfless human beings who are just trying to…Continue reading When doctors don’t want to listen to their patients

5 common fibromyalgia myths and why they're wrong

5 Common Fibromyalgia Myths and why they’re wrong

Despite being around for several decades, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is still widely misunderstood. Patients still struggle with getting a diagnosis, and when they do get a diagnosis helping their friends and family understand their invisible illness can be a challenge. What complicates patients’ lives even more are a myriad of myths and misconceptions that…Continue reading 5 Common Fibromyalgia Myths and why they’re wrong

when your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others

When your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others

When your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others.   I hate your guts and that’s why I decided to be sick. I thought for a long time about how I could make you suffer. There are the usual methods, but they just seemed too easy. I don’t like to do things the easy way,…Continue reading When your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others

Taking opioids for chronic pain means being treated like a criminal and constantly being told that you're exaggerating your pain.

What it’s really like taking opioids for chronic pain

Currently, taking opioids for chronic pain means you’re a pariah, which is why there aren’t enough stories to be more stories out there about what it is actually like to have an opioid prescription for chronic pain. Why I take opioids for chronic pain You can read my story here for some background context of my…Continue reading What it’s really like taking opioids for chronic pain

How do you tell the difference between fibromyalgia and lyme disease

How do you tell the difference between Fibromyalgia and Lyme Disease?

Many doctors confuse Lyme disease and Fibromyalgia. Part of the problem is that so little is known about them. Both are new diseases that scientists are still trying to figure out, and their symptoms are so similar that many lazy doctors just diagnose patients with Fibro and never even bother with testing for Lyme. Most doctors…Continue reading How do you tell the difference between Fibromyalgia and Lyme Disease?

the uncomfortable truths about living with chronic illness

The uncomfortable truths about chronic illness

What’s it really like being sick? It’s lonely. There is a barrier between you and most healthy people. Healthy people want healthy friends. They want friends they can regularly rely on. They want friends who’s lives are not regulated by pain, medication, exhaustion, sleep patterns, and doctors appointments. Very few people can see past these…Continue reading The uncomfortable truths about chronic illness

what it's really like going to the doctors office

What it’s really like going to the doctors office

– You walk in and the receptionist gives you the stink eye So sorry for inconveniencing you by making you do your job. -You fill out reams of paperwork that are exactly the same as the paperwork you filled out the last 5 times you were there. Do doctors offices make you do this for…Continue reading What it’s really like going to the doctors office