Everything you need to know about a spinal cord stimulator for pain

Everything you need to know about a spinal cord stimulator

Because I frequently write about chronic pain and the opioid epidemic, people often ask me about the spinal cord stimulator. Many doctors are taking patients off opioids and suggesting that the only other option is a surgery to implant a stimulator. Pain patients abandoned by doctors feel like this is their only option, but they’re…Continue reading Everything you need to know about a spinal cord stimulator

finding comfort when you're having a bad pain day

Finding comfort when you’re having a bad pain day

Bad pain days  take everything out of you. They suck your body and soul dry. You feel empty and destroyed. You try to distract yourself so you can have a better attitude, but the pain is so overwhelming you can’t get past it. You wish you could go to sleep and then magically wake up…Continue reading Finding comfort when you’re having a bad pain day

8 reasons why people with chronic pain feel misunderstood

Living with chronic pain isn’t easy and it doesn’t help that many pain suffers feel completely misunderstood.  Here are some of the things that people in pain regularly hear, and why they are incorrect. 1. I know what you deal with now because I’ve had (insert minor ailment here) this week. Having the flu or…Continue reading 8 reasons why people with chronic pain feel misunderstood

10 fascinating tools on my chronic pain wish list

10 fascinating tools on my chronic pain wish list

Every day there are new devices and tools are emerging to treat chronic pain. I’ve been lucky to try a few of them, but of course, I don’t have unlimited money. So I’ve developed a wish list of things I would love to try in a world where money was no object. Here’s a list…Continue reading 10 fascinating tools on my chronic pain wish list