What people with chronic illness really want is to stop faking well

I often get questions from well meaning healthy people about what I want from them. I’m not great with words on the spot, so I thought I’d put a list of things I think people with chronic illness really want. 1. To not have to fake being well Many people with chronic illness put in…Continue reading What people with chronic illness really want is to stop faking well

7 ways you're awesome if you live with chronic pain

7 ways you’re awesome if you live with chronic pain

Living with chronic pain isn’t easy. You lose your quality of life, you take a lot of flack from friends and family, and you have to spend tons of money on the hope that there’s something out there that will help you to function better. Oftentimes you are blamed for not functioning as a healthy…Continue reading 7 ways you’re awesome if you live with chronic pain

to the person with chronic illness who feels like they're never good enough

To the person with chronic illness who feels like they’re never good enough

 The feeling of being never good enough sneaks up on you. I know it feels like no one thinks about you, the quiet person in the corner who just looks a little tired. No one notices how hard you try or how much effort you put into pretending you’re okay. They don’t notice that you’re…Continue reading To the person with chronic illness who feels like they’re never good enough